What is a mwd file and how do I open a mwd file?
The MWD file extension is used for a MarinerWrite Document created by Mariner Software. Mariner write is a word processor used for Mac OS X and includes Mariner Calc, a spreadsheet application used for analysis and organization of information in a tabular (table data). Bothe Mariner Write and Mariner Calc were released to the public in 1990 and have been identified as one out of five top Microsoft Office options for users of Apple Macintosh Computers. The creators of Mariner Write (Mariner Software) is currently located in Minneapolis, Minnesota and has been since then an established name in the development and design of computer software. The company is at present involved in the creation of new software products namely Mariner Paperless digital document management software, Montage screen writing software, Contour screenplay development software, Winjournal desktop blogging software and MacJournal. Mariner software focuses on productivity with support on personal and professional software. It also aims to develop software for creative and writing markets.
Relevant mwd file links:
How to open mwd file on YoutubeHow to open mwd file on Wikipedia
How to open mwd file on Microsoft.com