What is a rp file and how do I open a rp file?
The Axure RP Project File is stored in the RP format and is affixed with the RP extension and is used by Axure RP. These RP files are generally classified as data files that contain project diagrams made of text fields, buttons, images, and other visual elements used for mockups and initial designs. They are considered as standalone files which make them different from the RPPRJ files. They are interactive and flexible since they can be annotated during the design process. The RP files can be exported to HTML, Microsoft Word and other formats for collaboration of different groups. The Axure software is a wireframing and prototyping tool. The newest version of the software is Axure 6.5 which features text links, widget rotation, Axshare uploading, mobile view settings, built in variables and others. The Axure RP software can be used in Mac operating systems and Microsoft Windows systems to access and view RP files.
Recommended rp file download:
Axure RP
Axure RP
Detail rp file extension information:
File Format: Axure RP Project File
Primary Association: Data Files
Mime Type: application/x-pn-realmedia, image/vnd.rn-realpix
Relevant rp file links:
How to open rp file on YoutubeHow to open rp file on Wikipedia
How to open rp file on Microsoft.com