What is an olk14grou file and how do I open an olk14grou file?
The OLK14group file extension is known as Outlook Group File which was developed by Microsoft. It is a file format which stores a collection of contacts as a group file and is used for organizing large number of contacts in the software. To add a group of contacts, to be able to send e-mail to all members of the group at once, on the Home tab, click New, and then click Contact Group. Outlook accedes to categorize the contact into the group of family, friends, business, acquaintance or others. In cases when a user needs to merged different contact groups into a single file, it is easier to use SysTools PST merge software than doing it manually. This is to ensure a more systematized data management. It is also possible to Import Mac OS X Address Book Contacts into Outlook for Mac. There are various ways to customize contacts, including sorting, adding fields and using categories.
Recommended olk14grou file download:
Microsoft Outlook 2011
Detail olk14grou file extension information:
Relevant olk14grou file links:
How to open olk14grou file on YoutubeHow to open olk14grou file on Wikipedia
How to open olk14grou file on Microsoft.com