What is a mtt file and how do I open a mtt file?
The MTT file extension is known as Metadata Touch Template which was developed by Digital Confidence. The Metadata Touch is a program used to change metadata files and save it to another file type like .docx file. It contains the title, company, author, keywords or other metadata. It can be imported and applied to single files or batch mode of templates. It supports Microsoft Office files and Open Document files. Users can edit metadata fields like revision number and editing time in 18 file types. It offers two editions namely, the standard and professional edition. Standard edition allows user to view and edit metadata file one at a time while professional edition allows by batch editing capability. It is very useful for digital forensic specialists. Supported Operating Systems are Windows 7,Windows Vista, Windows XP Service Pack 2 (or later version), Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Service Pack 3, Windows ME, Windows 98 Second Edition, and Windows 98.
Recommended mtt file download:
Digital Confidence MetadataTouch
Detail mtt file extension information:
Relevant mtt file links:
How to open mtt file on YoutubeHow to open mtt file on Wikipedia
How to open mtt file on Microsoft.com