What is an iw file and how do I open an iw file?
The IW file extension developed by IWIS is used by the data files or the drive chain calculation projects created using the IWIS Chain Engineering software. The IW files are often called Chain Engineering Database Files wherein the data they contain include the chain specs like the teeth number, the shape, the length and a lot more. It is possible to test IW files within Chain Engineering to make way for the calculation of data such as the torque and speed, etc. These files are very useful to most engineering projects. Windows can open IW files with the use of the IWIS Chain Engineering itself. This software is used to calculate the drive chain performance necessary to the chain drive. It allows users to see whether a chain is performing well or not so that if in case his goals were not met, he or she can choose to improve the chain’s running conditions or simply to select another type of chain.
Relevant iw file links:
How to open iw file on YoutubeHow to open iw file on Wikipedia
How to open iw file on Microsoft.com