What is a mpkg file and how do I open a mpkg file?
A meta package file is generally classified as a compressed file, and these meta package files are integrated with compression specifications proprietary to Apple, particularly for its Macintosh installer package applet developed for the Mac OS X platform. These meta package files are also implemented with encoding standards, again proprietary to Apple, that are used for the generation of files stored in the MPKG format. Self-extracting functionalities are also built into these meta package files in order for users to just execute the MPKG file and allow the source code stored in the MPKG file to extract certain files and folders and store them in designated directories of the Mac OS X system. The content of these meta package files are generally source code or algorithms developed by Apple for the installation of Macintosh installer packages into Mac OS X. These may include OS updates, small upgrades and fixes or patches. The Mac OS X platform, upon the execution and initialization of these meta package files, references the data stored in the MPKG file and locates the other program files included in the Macintosh installer package, so Mac OS X can store certain files and folders in the appropriate directories and execute other associated files to continue with the installation of the Macintosh installer package.
Relevant mpkg file links:
How to open mpkg file on YoutubeHow to open mpkg file on Wikipedia
How to open mpkg file on Microsoft.com