What is an inv file and how do I open an inv file?
An INVedit file can be used by Minecraft players to modify game inventory resources available to their Minecraft characters. Integrated with encoding specifications proprietary to Copyboy and developed for the INVedit software, this program can be used to create these INVedit files. Minecraft game inventories can be improved and added with weapons, mining equipment and other tools used during gameplay by using the INVedit software. Quantities of available inventory items of Minecraft players can also be stored in an INVedit file, and these details can be modified by using the INVedit program. These modifications and additions can be loaded unto the game by initially integrating an INVedit file into a Minecraft world file. This Minecraft world file can then be loaded unto the Minecraft game to implement into available inventory items all changes and additions made by the author of the INVedit file. The MCEdit software can be used to export the data stored in an INVedit file as "chests" resources used by the Minecraft game. The MCEdit application was developed as a Minecraft world editing program. These INVedit files are stored in the INV format and are affixed with the .inv extension. The Minecraft video game is classified as sandbox construction simulation game software integrated with functionalities that enable users to develop objects and blocks in a virtual 3D environment, and these objects can also be destroyed by Minecraft players.
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Relevant inv file links:
How to open inv file on YoutubeHow to open inv file on Wikipedia
How to open inv file on Microsoft.com